“I planted the seed…God made it grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6
Open Bible Christian Academy’s elementary classes are small, allowing more individualized attention for your child and the opportunity to make many friends. Students at OBCA are important as individuals and quickly become part of the OBCA family.
OBCA’s elementary classrooms are where your child is nurtured and will daily encounter people who love Jesus Christ. In addition, you will have the opportunity to be an integral part of your student’s education through serving in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, and attending chapel programs and special events.
You and your child are invited to tour our facilities and perhaps visit a classroom. We welcome the opportunity to get to know your family and to answer your questions about our elementary program.
The Elementary School offers:
Engaging academic excellence with hands on learning
Curriculum based on Biblical truth presented in a Christian environment
Bible memorization
Reading Enrichment Program that includes Literacy night and Scholastic Book Fair
Technology based instruction and use in classroom
Science Experiments/Activities
Participation in STEM Fair
Advanced grouping in Math
Spanish classes for Upper Elementary
Instrumental/piano lessons and participation in Band
Music classes and Concerts
Physical education classes
Field Trips
Weekly Library visits
Seuss Week Activities
Standardized Testing (CTB)
Before and After Care